Abstract: Gynecomastia is an abnormal benign enlargement of one or both mammary glands in men, resulting from abnormal growth of breast tissue. The main cause of the pathology is a hormonal imbalance between estrogens and androgens (male and female sex ho


  • Jahongirova Jasmina Ozodovna, Qoroboyev Bekzod Abdunazarovich, Matqurbonov Hamdam Xamro o'g'li , Abduraimov Qurbonbek Mirzoqul o'g'li Qurbonova Nozima Sobirjonovna


gynecomastia,, mammary, gland,, men


Gynecomastia is an abnormal benign enlargement of one or both mammary glands in men, resulting from abnormal growth of breast tissue. The main cause of the pathology is a hormonal imbalance between estrogens and androgens (male and female sex hormones).



How to Cite

Jahongirova Jasmina Ozodovna, Qoroboyev Bekzod Abdunazarovich, Matqurbonov Hamdam Xamro o’g’li , Abduraimov Qurbonbek Mirzoqul o’g’li Qurbonova Nozima Sobirjonovna. (2024). Abstract: Gynecomastia is an abnormal benign enlargement of one or both mammary glands in men, resulting from abnormal growth of breast tissue. The main cause of the pathology is a hormonal imbalance between estrogens and androgens (male and female sex ho. Science and Innovation, 4(2), 145–153. Retrieved from https://www.cyberlininka.ru/index.php/sai/article/view/113


